Regular Grand Lodge of Florida
Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons


The Grand Assembly of Master Masons of Florida was held on March 6th, 2010 to discuss the formation of the Regular Grand Lodge of Florida in due form. The second meeting of the Grand Assembly of Master Masons for Florida was held on April 3rd, 2010 in which was voted and approved the name of Regular Grand Lodge of Florida.

The Regular Grand Lodge of Florida, Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, the supreme Masonic authority in the jurisdiction of Florida in which it is situated, faithful allegiance and implicit obedience is due to it from all regular Craft Lodges and Freemasons residing therein. Its functions and prerogatives are therefore of the most extensive and important nature, and should be carefully investigated by every Freemason who desires to become acquainted, not only with his duties to the Order, but with his own rights and privileges in it.

Masonic High Council of Florida
List of Grand Officers Elected

MW Davi'd El Corderu' Bey, PGM, MHCUSA
Grand Master of the Craft

MW Chaz Uriel Bey, PGM, MHCUSA
Deputy Grand Master

RW Leslie Croker, RGLF
Grand Senior Warden

RW Raziel Shakim El, RGLF
Grand Junior Warden

RW Malik Hamaliel Bey, RGLF
Grand Secretary

W Bro. Elliott Iglesias, RGLF
Asst. Grand Secretary

RW Cleveland Johnson, RGLF
Grand Treasurer

RW Luis Soto, RGLF
Asst. Grand Treasurer

VW Ricardo Cruz, RGLF
Grand Senior Expert

VW Oreste Mercado, RGLF
Grand Junior Expert

W Bro. Joseph Holguin, RGLF
Grand Orator

W Bro. Justice Kadeem El, RGLF
Grand Tyler

RW Nathaniel Thurston, RGLF
District Deputy South

RW Ital Iman I, RGLF
District Deputy North (Panhandle Region)

List of constitutive Regular Masonic Lodges

Lodge Sun's of Zuudiakus No.2
Orient of Orlando, Florida

Masonic Triangle - Lodge El Fenix No.3
Orient of Deltona, Florida

Past Masters Lodge No.4
Orient of Orlando, Florida

Prince of Peace Lodge No.5
Orient of Miami, Florida

If you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Masonic High Council of Florida
