Masonic Regalia


Gold Threat Full Embroidered Apron
Grand Master Apron  £450

Grand Master Apron

Gold Threat Full Embroidered Apron
Past Grand Master & Grand Officers  £450

Grand Officer Apron


Grand Officer Collar  £150
Gold Threat Full Embroidered Collar

Grand Officer Collar

(click photo for full image)

33 Degree Sash £150
Gold Threat Full Embroidered Sash

33 Sash

These are the finest Masonic Regalia available in the World.



If you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.


© The Masonic High Council 2005 - 2011

Masonic Regalia, Grand Master Apron, Grand Officer Apron, Mason, Apprentice, Freemasonry, Craft, Grand Lodge, Lodge, Masonic Lodge

Maçonnique Regalia, Grand Maître tablier, tablier de Grand Officier, Mason, Apprenti, la franc-maçonnerie, de l'artisanat, la Grande Loge, Loge, Loge maçonnique

Masonic Regalia, Grembiule Gran Maestro, Grande Ufficiale Grembiule, Mason, apprendista, la massoneria, Artigianato, Gran Loggia, Loggia, Loggia Massonica

Masonic Regalia, Grand Master Schürze, Großoffizier Schürze, Mason, Apprentice, Freimaurerei, Craft, Grand Lodge, Lodge, Freimaurerloge

Масонские регалии, Великий Магистр фартук, Кавалер фартук, масон, ученик, масонство, Ремесло, Великой Ложи, ложи, масонская ложа

Masónica Regalia, delantal del Gran Maestro, delantal Gran Oficial, aprendiz de albañil, la masonería, Artesanía, la Gran Logia, Logia, la Logia Masónica

ماسوني شعارات ، غراند ماستر المئزر، وغراند المئزر موظف، ميسون ، المتدرب، الماسونية ، والحرف، وغراند لودج ، لودج ، لودج ماسوني