The Masonic High Council


The Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World is the International Governing Body of Ancient Craft Freemasonry.

List of Lodges that have warrants, most lodges meet regularly once a month.

Meetings are open to all Freemasons in good standing with a recognized and regular jurisdiction.

Visitors are advised to confirm dates and times with the MHC Secretary General Office or the Lodge secretary.

A list of every lodge ever warranted under this jurisdiction is also available.


Grand Lodge No. 1 England, London consecrated 19th February 2005
Lodge London No. 27, Lebanon No. 1 warranted on the 29th of September 2005

Lodge Obreros de la Luz No. 30, Bolivia No.1

Lodge Maat No. 31, Bolivia No.2

Lodge Sendero de Montecristo No. 32 Bolivia No.3

Lodge Luz Interior No34, Bolivia No.4

Lodge No. 35, Bolivia No.5

Lodge Shemot No. 36, Bolivia No.6 La Paz

Lodge No. 37, Bolivia No.7 La Paz

Lodge No. 38, Bolivia No.8 La Paz

Lodge No. 40, Bolivia No.9 La Paz

Lodge King Solomon No.41 East Beirut, Lebanon No.2

Lodge Wisdom No.42 East Tyre, Lebanon No.3

The Holy Temple Lodge No.43 Sydney, Australia No.1

Lodge Heliopollis No. 44, East of Baalbek, Lebanon No.4

Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia

Lodge Anton Toma~ Linhart No. 26, Slovenia No. 1 consecrated 16th November 2002


Gran Logia Occidental del Perú
Federada al Alto Consejo Masonico del Perú

List of constitutive Regular Masonic Lodges

1.-P:.U:.B:.S:.R:.L:.S:. Paz y Perfecta Unión N° 1

Fundada el 26 de Julio de 1817 (Primera Logia Peruana)

2.- R:.L:.S:. Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray 10 N° 2

Fundada el 27 de Noviembre del 2000

3. - F:.S:.L:.B:.R:.L:.S:. Parthenón Nº 4

Fundada el 24 de Junio de 1824

4.- B:.R:.L:.S:. Francisco Bolognesi 48 Nº 5

Fundada el 7 de Junio de 1963

5.- B:.R:.L:.S:. Fortaleza y Unión 124 Nº 7

Fundada el 7 de Diciembre de 1976

6. - B:.R:.L:.S:. Hiram Abif Nº 8

Fundada el 8 de Mayo de 1.969

7.- R:.L:.S:. Alfa y Omega 169 Nº 9

Fundada el 1 de Julio del 2001

8.- R:.L:.S:. Géminis 171 Nº 10

Fundada el 4 de Junio del 2001

Venerable Cámara de Maestros Instalados “Arturo Padilla Espinoza” - Valle del Callao.

V:.M:.I:. R:.H:. Felipe Mas Choy 2005 – 2006

Venerable Cámara de Maestros Instalados “Caral, Ciudad Sagrada, Milenaria y de Paz” - Valle de Barranca

V:.M:.I:. R:.H:. Carlos Vera Gallo 2005 – 2006

Consejo Supremo de Ética Masónica de la Gran Logia Occidental del Perú

( Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Masónica )

Presidente M:.R:.H:. Luis Enrique Bazo Risco 2005 – 2006

Consejo Superior de Ética Masónica de la Gran Logia Occidental del Perú

( Tribunal Superior de Justicia Masónica )

Presidente R:.H:. Eulogio Homero Díaz Haro 2005 – 2006


Gran Logia Austral del Perú
Federada al Alto Consejo Masonico del Perú

Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán No. 1

Consecrated 28 of January 2000

Caballeros del Templo No. 2

Consecrated 12 of April 2000

Luz Cósmica No. 3

Consecrated 7 of May 2001

Mariano Melgar No. 4

Consecrated 19 of June 2001

Armonía Divina No. 6

Consecrated 4 of December 2004

Luces del Silencio No. 7

Consecrated 27 of July 2005

The Masonic High Council of Belarus


The Zubr Lodge No 1 Meeting at the Capital City of Minsk

Masonic High Council of Middle East

List of Lodges

London Lodge No.1 East of Tripoli, Lebanon

Lodge King Solomon No.2 East of Beirut, Lebanon

Lodge Wisdom No.3 East of Tyre, Lebanon

Lodge Heliopollis No. 4 East of Baalbek, Lebanon


Knights of the Desert No.1, Saudia Arabia

Emir lodge No.1, UAE

Luxor Lodge No.1 orient of Cairo

Regularly established in 2007

Cairo - Egypt


Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina
Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons


List of constitutive Regular Masonic Lodges

Grand Lodge No.1

Tyler Lodge No. 2

Joppa Lodge No. 3

Grand Royal Arch Chapter
Grand Charity


Regular Grand Lodge of New York
Masonic High Council of New York

List of Grand Officers Elected

List of constitutive Regular Masonic Lodges

Gran Logia Multiritualistica Regular del Paraguay

Alto Consejo Masonico Regular del Paraguay


Logia Independencia No.1 - Rito Inglés
Valle de Asunción - Reunión días Viernes 20:00 Hs.

Logia Luxor No.2. - Rito Antiguo Y Primitivo
Valle de Asunción - Reunión días Miercoles 20:00 Hs.

Logia Constructores Del Nilo No. 3 - Rito Antiguo y Primitivo
Valle de Asunción - Reunión días Lunes 20:00 Hs.

Gabinete Masónico
Asunción – Paraguay

Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of France

Ancienne et Honorable Fraternité des Maçons Francs et Acceptés



Craft Lodge Seal
Craft Lodge Seal

Craft Lodge Seal

Rules for visiting

There are four rules relating to visiting in recognised or unrecognised jurisdictions.

1 - A Mason may only visit constituent lodges under a Grand Lodge recognised by the MHC.

2 - If a Mason owes allegiance to two Grand Lodges, then he may only visit lodges in a third jurisdiction recognised by both, unless all the Grand Lodges involved permit otherwise.

3 - If a Mason, lawfully visits a lodge in another jurisdiction, and finds another visitor lawfully present, whose Grand Lodge is not in amity with the MHC, then the Mason must withdraw, unless MHC and the host’s Grand Lodge both permit otherwise.

4 - A lodge may only admit visitors from jurisdictions formally recognised by the MHC, unless the MHC has instructed its lodges otherwise.

The safest course is for Masons visitor to obtain advice from the MHC prior to visiting. If this is not practicable, he should abide by the strictest version of the above rules. It is important to keep this advice in mind when reading this rules on visiting, because it provides visiting information about lodges and Grand Lodges, which may not be recognised by the MHC.

Irregular and Unrecognised Grand Lodges

The Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World reminds all Members of the Craft that they should take great care before joining any organisation which purports to be Masonic. If in doubt a written enquiry should be made of the Secretary General. There are some self-styled Masonic bodies that do not meet these standards, e.g. which do not require a belief in a Supreme Being, or which allow or encourage their members to participate as such in political matters and some of these self-styled Masonic bodies have even become little more than social clubs. These bodies are regarded by the Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World as being Masonically irregular and Masonic contact with them should be avoided at all times.



Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World